John Deere B, DF-B, and FB-B Grain Drill - Parts Catalog
Product Description
This website is not affiliated with or endorsed by John Deere. Any mention of their trademarks is solely for descriptive purposes.
This is the complete parts catalog for the John Deere B, DF-B, and FB-B grain drill.
This parts book contains exploded parts views and product codes for every component of the B, DF-B, and FB-B grain drill. An absolute must if you are rebuilding, taking apart, or purchasing a part for your JD grain drill.
Covers All Years and Serial Numbers - Other websites sell manuals that are incomplete or only cover a specific year of the machine. This manual is guaranteed to be complete and to cover your machine's model year and serial number.
Public Domain Notice
This product is a reproduction of a manual originally published before January 1, 1978 that lacked a copyright notice as required by the Copyright Act of 1909. As a result, it has entered the public domain.
Farm Manuals Fast is not affiliated with John Deere, whose brand and trademarks remain protected under trademark law. However, this document is legally available for sale under current copyright laws.
Table of Contents
- Agitators, grain
- Beet and gauge press wheel
- Brome seed boxes
- Brome seed feed shafts and drives
- kome seed quantity control slides and index adjusting screw
- Gang press attachments
- Gang press attachments
- Grass seed boxes
- Grass seed drive
- Grass seed feedshaft
- Grass seed and brome seed gear box
- Grass seed throw-out
- Leveling attachments
- Markers, manual
- Marker, hydraulic disk
- Marker, cylinder, hydraulic disk
- Multi-luber for bearings and drives (1" hex, pump —12 ports)
- Multi -lube r for furrow openers (1" and 1-1/4" hex pumps—12 ports)
- Acremeter
- Agitator, baffl|e and screen, fertilizer
- Box, fertilizer
- Box, grain {DF-B, FB-B)
- Box, grain
- Countershaft
- Countershaft, fertilizer
- Covers, grain and fertilizer box (DF-Bt FB-B)
- Covers, grain box
- Cover, grain box (B-B, DR-B)
- Feed shaft, fertilizer
- Feed shaft, grain
- Footboards
- Frames
- Gears, sliding and throw-out
- Hitch stand
- Hitch, tractor
- Land measurer (B-A) (60090-63032)
- Pressure shafts (B-A, B-B, DR-A, DR-B)
- Shifter and index, grain
- Shifter and slide, fertilizer
- Stand, jack (20" wheels only)
- Wheel and axle support—15" wheels
- Wheel and axle support—15" wheels
- Wheel and axle support—20" wheels
- Depth bands
- Double disk furrow openers (anti-friction bearings)
- Double disk furrow openers (hard-iron bearings)
- Fertilizer rear distributor attachments
- Gage-O-Matic furrow openers (anti-friction bearings)
- Separate fertilizer placement attachment (for anti-friction double disk)
- Single disk and semi-deep furrow openers (anti-friction bearings)
- Single disk and semi-deep furrow openers (hard-iron bearings)
- Spring trip hoe furrow openers
- Adapters, single remote hydraulic cylinder
- Adapters and hose supports, single remote hydraulic cylinder
- Adapters, dual remote hydraulic cylinder
- Helper spring, lift lever
- Hose supports, remote hydraulic cylinder
- Levers, front lift
- Levers, rear lift
- Lifts, powe
Manual Details
Pages: 92
Years and Serial Numbers: Covers all years and serial numbers
Models: B, DF-B, and FB-B
Make: John Deere
Manual Type: Parts Book/ Parts Catalog
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