Perkins 6.354 and A6.354 Engine - Service Manual
Product Description
This is the complete service manual for the Perkins 6.354 and A6.354 engine.
This is the same manual that the repair shops use! It contains hundreds of pictures and diagrams containing all the information you need to repair and troubleshoot your Perkins engine.
Covers All Years and Serial Numbers - Other websites sell manuals that are incomplete or only cover a specific year of the machine. This manual is guaranteed to be complete and to cover your machine's model year and serial number.
Table of Contents
- Engine Serial Number
- Service Information
- Running In A New or Rebuilt Engine
- General Specifications
- Tightening Torques
- Engine Overhaul Specifications
- Lubrication System Specifications
- Removing Engine
- Separating Front End From Engine
- Separating Engine from Transmission
- Installing Engine
- Rejoining Engine to Transmission
- Rejoining Front End to Engine
- Removing Cylinder Head
- Servicing Valves and Valve Seats
- Removing Valves
- Installing Valves
- Regrinding Valves and Valve Seats
- Replacing Valve Seat Inserts
- Testing Valve Springs
- Servicing Cylinder Head
- Resurfacing Cylinder Head
- Replacing Valve Guides
- Servicing Rocker Arm Shaft Assembly
- Disassembling Rocker Arm Shaft Assembly
- Reassembling Rocker Arm Shaft Assembly
- Replacing Rocker Arm Bushings
- Installing Cylinder Head
- Retorquing Cylinder Head
- Adjusting Valve Lash
- Tachometer Drive
- Timing Gears and Case
- Removing Timing Gears and Case
- Removing Crankshaft Pulley
- Removing Camshaft Gear/Cover
- Removing Auxiliary Drive Gear/Cover
- Removing Idler Gears/Hubs
- Replacing Idler Gear Bushings
- Replacing Front Crankshaft Oil Seal
- Installing Timing Gears and Case
- Installing Idler Gears/Hubs
- Installing Camshaft Gear/Cover
- Installing Auxiliary Drive Gear/Cover
- Installing Crankshaft Pulley
- Camshaft and Tappets
- Removing Camshaft and Tappets
- Installing Camshaft and Tappets
- Auxiliary Drive Shaft and Fuel Injection Pump Drive Shaft
- Removing Auxiliary Drive Shaft and Fuel Injection Pump Drive Shaft
- Replacing Auxiliary Drive Shaft and Fuel Injection Pump Drive Shaft
- Bushings artd,Thrust Collar
- Replacing Auxiliary Drive Shaft Rear Oil Seal
- Replacing Auxiliary Drive Spray Tube
- Installing Fuel Injection Pump
- Drive Shaft and Auxiliary
- Drive Shaft
- Checking Valve Timing
- Removing Piston/Connecting
- Rod Assembly
- Disassembling Piston/Connecting
- Rod Assembly
- Servicing Connecting Rods
- Connecting Rod Alignment
- Replacing Wrist Pin Bushings
- Servicing Pistons and Rings
- Inspecting and Servicing Pistons
- Replacing Piston Rings
- Reassembling Piston/Connecting
- Rod Assembly
- Installing PistonfConnecting
- Rod Assembly
- Inspecting and Servicing Cylinder
- Block and Liners
- Replacing Cylinder Liner
- Checking Crankshaft End-Play and Replacing Thrust Washers
- Removing Crankshaft
- Regrinding Crankshaft
- Installing Crankshaft
- Replacing Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal
- Removing Flywheel and
- Flywheel Housing
- Servicing Flywheel
- Replacing Flywheel Ring Gear
- Checking Flywheel Runout
- Installing Flywheel Housing and Flywheel
- Oil Pan
- Removing Oil Pan
- Installing Oil Pan
- Oil Pump
- Removing and Disassembling
- Oil Pump
- Reassembling and Installing
- Oil Pump
- Checking Oil Pump Clearances
- Oil Pressure Relief Valve
- Removing and Disassembling Oil
- Pressure Relief Valve
- Reassembling and Installing Oil
- Pressure Relief Valve
- Oil Filter(s)
- Replacing Oil Filter(s) and Crankcase Oil
- Removing Oil Filter Head (Turbocharged AT 63544)
- Installing Oil Filter Head (Turbocharged AT 63544)
- Oil Cooler By-Pass Valve (Turbocharged AT 63544)
- Removing and Disassembling Oil Cooler By-Pass Valve
- Reassembling and Installing Oil Cooler By-Pass Valve
- Oil Cooler/Filter Assembly
- (Naturally Aspirated A63544)
- Removing Oil Cooler/Filter Assembly
- Installing Oil Cooler/Filter Assembly
- Disassembling Oil Cooler
- Reassembling Oil Cooler
- Testing Oil Cooler
- Removing/Installing Oil Transfer Adaptor
- Piston Cooling Oil Spray Jets (Turbocharged AT63544)
- Removing'lnstalling Piston
- Cooling Jets
- Positioning Nozzle
Manual Details
Pages: 100
Years and Serial Numbers: Covers all years and serial numbers
Models: A6.354
Make: Perkins
Manual Code: PERKINS-11
Manual Type: Service Manual/ Technical Manual/ Workshop Manual
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