Allis-Chalmers C Tractor Manual

Product Description
This is the operator's manual for the Allis-Chalmers C tractor.
This manual contains information on operating, adjusting, maintaining and troubleshooting for your Allis-Chalmers tractor.
Table of Contents
- Adjustments
- Clutch
- Fan Belt
- Front Wheel Bearing
- Main and Connecting Rods
- Air Cleaner
- Ammeter
- Anti-Freeze
- ASAE Drawbar
- Battery
- Before Starting the Engine
- Belt Pulley and Power Take-off
- Brakes
- Break in Period
- Breather
- Carburetor
- Care and Operation of Hydraulic
- Pump and Ram
- Clutch Adjustment
- Cylinder Liners, Pistons and Rings
- Diagnosing Engine Difficulty
- Draining Cooling System
- Drawbar
- Drawbar — ASAE
- Electric Equipment
- Engine —
- Before Starting
- "Break in" Period
- Difficulty — Diagnosing
- Fails to Start or Runs Unevenly
- Overheated
- Starting
- Stopping
- Extra Equipment — Specifications
- Fan Belt Adjustment
- Filters —
- Fuel
- Oil
- Front Wheel Bearing Adjustment
- Fuels
- Fuel Filter
- Fuel and Lubricant Containers
- Generator
- Governor
- Hand Cranking
- Hydraulic Pump and Ram — Care and
- Operation
- Hydromatic Tractor Tires
- Lift Fails to Operate
- Lights
- Light Circuit Fuse
- Lubrication
- Lubrication Chart
- Lubrication Guide
- Magneto
- Main and Connecting Rod Bearing
- Adjustment
- Maintenance Section
- Oil Filter
- Oil Pressure
- Oil Sump
- Operating Temperature
- Operating Tractor
- Power take-off and Belt Pulley
- Radiator and Cooling System
- Radiator Shutter
- Rams
- Repair Parts Section
- Rims, Lugs and Clamp Bolts
- Safety Suggestions
- Serial Number
- Single Front Wheel
- Specifications
- Specifications — Extra Equipment
- Starting the Engine
- Starting the Tractor
- Stopping the Engine
- Storage of Tractor
- Synthetic Tires and Tubes
- Tail Light
- Three-Way Valve
- Tire Inflation
- Tractor Storage
- Valve Tappet Clearance and Valves
- Wheel Spacing
- Wheel Weights
Manual Details
Pages: 40
Years and Serial Numbers: Covers all years and serial numbers
Models: C
Make: Allis-Chalmers
Manual Code: 70257985
Manual Type: Operator's Manual
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