Case 1090, 1170 and 1175 Tractor - Service Manual

Product Description
This is the complete 1,000+ page service manual for the Case 1090, 1170 and 1175 tractor.
This is the same manual that the dealer repair shops use! It contains hundreds of pictures and diagrams containing all the information you need to repair and troubleshoot your Case tractor.
Table of Contents
- General Specifications - 1090 Tractors
- General Specifications 1170 & 1175 Tractors
- Lubrication - 1090 Tractors
- Lubrication - 1170 & 1175 Tractors
- Detailed Specifications - 451BD Engine - 1090 Tractors
- Detailed Specifications - 451BDT Engine - 1170 & 1175 Tractors
- Engine Diagnosis
- Engine Tune-Up
- Cylinder Head, Valve Train and Camshaft
- Cylinder Block, Sleeves, Pistons and Rods
- Crankshaft, Main Bearings, Flywheel and OilSeals
- Lubrication System, Oil Pump and Oil Flow Diagrams
- Cooling System
- Turbocharger - T04B
- Turbocharger - T04
- Turbocharger Failure Analysis
- Reconditioning Engine Cylinder Block
- Fuel System
- Robert Bosch Fuel Injection Pumps
- Roosa Master Fuel Injectors
- Repairing Polyethylene Fuel Tanks
- Repairing Cast Nylon Fuel Tanks
- Hydraulic Oil Filters
- Dual Hydraulic Pump
- Dual Remote Valve
- Flow Divider - PTO Control Valve
- Draft-O-Matic System
- Break-Away Couplings and Portable Cylinders
- Steering Column and Hand Pump (Used Prior to Tractor SN8693001)
- Steering Column and Pump-Valve (Starting W/Tractor SN8693001)
- Steering Control Valve
- Hydrostatic Steering Actuator
- Steering Axle (Starting W/Tractor SN8736747)
- Steering Axle (Used Prior to Tractor SN8736747)
- Trouble Shooting RPS-34 Power Shift
- Power Shift Transmission - 1090 Tractors
- Planetary Final Drive - Transmission -1170 & 1175 Tractors
- Planetaries
- Final Drive and Transmission - 1090 Tractors
- Hydraulic PTO
- 14" & 15" Traction Clutches and Linkage
- Power Assist Unit and Pedals
- Power Assist Brake Valve W/Adjustable Relief Valve
- Differential and Parking Brakes
- Caliper Disc Brakes and Parking Brake
- Wiring Diagram - 1090 & 1170 Tractors
- Wiring Diagram - 1175 Tractors (Prior to SN8753831)
- Wiring Diagram - 1175 Tractors (Starting W/SN8753831)
- Wiring Diagram - Tractor Cabs Prior to SN7814176
- Wiring Diagram - Tractor Cabs Starting W/SN7814176
- Cranking Motors
- Battery Servicing and Testing
- Prestolite Alternator System
- Delco-Remy Alternator System
- Cab Sealing and Recirculation
- Trouble Shooting - Air Conditioning System
- Gauging and Testing - Air Conditioning System
- Compressor Isolation, Removal, Installation and Evacuation
- System Discharging, Evacuation and Charging
- Servicing Air Conditioning Components
- Seat Adjustments (Swivel and Non Swivel)
- Hydraulic Testing - Steering & Brakes
- Hydraulic Testing - Power Shift, Remotes & PTO
- Hydraulic System
- Dual Pump - Flow Divider Valve
- Dual Remote Hydraulic System
- Draft-O-Matic System
- Power Steering - Brakes
- Hydraulic PTO
- Power Shift Transmission
- Air Conditioning
Manual Details
Pages: 1042
Years and Serial Numbers: Covers all years and serial numbers
Models: 1090, 1170 and 1175
Years and Serial Numbers Covered: Case
Make: Case
Manual Code: 9-79771
Manual Type: Service Manual
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