Minneapolis-Moline G705 and G706 Tractor Manual

Product Description
This is the operator's manual for the Minneapolis-Moline G705 and G706 tractor.
This manual contains information on operating, adjusting, maintaining and troubleshooting for your Minneapolis-Moline tractor.
Table of Contents
- Ammeter
- Auxiliary receptacle
- Belt pulley
- Brake pedals
- Cigarette lighter
- Combination speedometer and tachourmeter
- Engine clutch lever
- Fuel gage
- Fuse cap
- Gear shift lever
- Hydraulic control levers
- Oil pressure gage
- Power take-off
- Seat adjusting controls
- Starter button
- Switch
- Tailligjits
- Temperature gage ,
- Air cleaner
- Brakes
- Clutch collar
- Crankcase breathers
- Crankcase oil
- Drawbar rollers
- Fan hub
- Front axle(G-705)
- Front axle assembly (G-706)
- Front wheel bearings (G-705)
- Generator
- Hydraulic system
- Oil filters
- Rear axles
- Starting motor
- Steering gear compartment
- Steering linkage
- Transfer case and drive line (G-706)
- Transmission and differential
- Water pump
- Batteries
- Brake adjustment
- Care of tires
- Cooling system
- Drive chain adjustment (G-706)
- Electrical wiring
- Energy cells
- Engine clutch adjustment
- Fuel filters
- Fuel injection pump
- Fuel system
- Generator
- Generator and fan belts
- Live power take-off (G-705 only)
- Nozzle and nozzle holders
- Power take-off shaft (standard)
- Steering rod ends (G-705)
- Storing the tractor
- Thermostats
- Throttle stops
- Trouble shooting
- Valves
- Batteries
- Belt pulley
- Cold weather staiting aid
- Cooling system
- Cylinders
- Drawbar
- Driving the tractor
- Figuring driven pulley size
- Fuel
- Hydraulic system
- Increased traction
- Liquid weight
- Oil levels
- Oil pressure regulator
- Rear power take-off
- Starting the engine
- Stopping the engine
- Tires
- Toe-in (G-705)
- Tool box
- Torquing cylinder head nuts
- Wheel weights for G-706
Manual Details
Pages: 54
Years and Serial Numbers: Covers all years and serial numbers
Models: G705 and G706
Make: Minneapolis-Moline
Manual Code: mm-g705-and-g706-tractor-opt
Manual Type: Operator's Manual
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