Wisconsin TH and THD Engine - Service Manual

Product Description
This is the complete service manual for the Wisconsin TH and THD engine.
This is the same manual that the repair shops use! It contains hundreds of pictures and diagrams containing all the information you need to repair and troubleshoot your Wisconsin engine.
Covers All Years and Serial Numbers - Other websites sell manuals that are incomplete or only cover a specific year of the machine. This manual is guaranteed to be complete and to cover your machine's model year and serial number.
Table of Contents
- Air Cleaner
- Backfires Through Carburetor
- Battery Ignition Distributor
- Battery Ignition - Wiring and Timing Diagram
- Carburetor Adjustment
- Carburetor Repair-See Manufacturer's bulletin in back of Manual
- Clutch
- Clutch Adjustment
- Crankshaft - End Play
- Cross 5eciion of Engine
- Cylinders - Oversize (See Cylinder Block)
- Disassembling and Reassembling
- Distributor - Battery Ignition
- Electric Starter ond Generator
- Engine Models
- Firing Order
- Fuel
- Fuel Pump
- Gasoline Strainer
- Gears —Timing (Fig 22)
- General Information and Design
- Horse Power
- Governor
- Ignition Switch
- Ignition Troubles
- Illustration of Engines
- Knocks — Engine
- Lubrication
- Lubrication System - Diagram
- Magneto Breaker Point Adjustment
- Magneto Ignition Spark
- Magneto Repair —See Manufacturer's bulletin
- in back of Manual
- Magneto Timing Diagram
- Magneto Timing
- Oil - Grade of
- Oil Pump —Engine Base and
- Oil Spray Nozzles
- Overheoting
- Parts List
- Piston - Rings - Rod Clearances
- Reduction Gears
- Safety Precautions
- Service Station Directory, See back of Manual
- Spark Plugs
- Starting and Operating Instructions--
- Starting — Crank
- Starting Difficulties
- Stop Engine-Vapor Lock and Dieseling
- Storage of Engine for Winter
- Surging or Galloping
- Troubles — Causes and Remedies-
- Valves—Grinding and Tolerances
- Valve Tappets
- Warm-Up Period, Overspeeding
Manual Details
Pages: 112
Years and Serial Numbers: Covers all years and serial numbers
Models: TH and THD
Make: Wisconsin
Manual Code: WISCONSIN-15
Manual Type: Service Manual/ Technical Manual/ Workshop Manual
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